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Found 13038 results for any of the keywords dominican food. Time 0.006 seconds.
The Guide To Colonial Zone and Dominican Republic. Culture, History anThe complete guide to Colonial Zone, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Tourist Information, History, Hotels, Restaurants, Night Life, Sight Seeing, Maps
Colonial Zone Google Map - Guide to the Colonial Zone and Dominican ReColonial Zone Map, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Google Map has most of the monuments and sights of the Ciudad Colonial
Colonial Zone - Guide to the Colonial Zone and Dominican RepublicColonial Zone / Ciudad Colonial is the oldest constantly inhabited city in all of The Americas , in the city of Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic
Casa de las Gárgolas - Guide to the Colonial Zone and Dominican RepublNestled between the home of Juan Viloria and the Casa de los Jesuitas is the residence of Juan de Ampiés known as Casa de las Gárgolas.
Casa de los Medallones - Guide to the Colonial Zone and Dominican RepuCasa de los Medallones, an old historical building in the Colonial Zone, named such because of the five medallions with the human faces inside.
Casa del Sacramento - Guide to Colonial Zone Dominican RepublicThe Casa del Sacramento with the distinctive two towers built in the 16th century is now the home offices of The Archbishop of Santo Domingo
Casa del Cordón - Guide to the Colonial Zone and Dominican RepublicCasa de Cordón was the first stone house in the New World and the oldest structure in The New World with 2 floors and is now home to Banco Popular
Columbus Palace - Guide to the Colonial Zone and Dominican RepublicThe Alcazar de Colon is a beautiful historical monument, museum and UNESCO historical that once belonged to Diego Columbus and his wife.
Casa Caballero - Guide to the Colonial Zone and Dominican RepublicCasa Caballero, an important part of the colonial history, was probably built in the mid-sixteenth century by Diego Caballero
Buildings/Edificios-Monuments/Monumentos - Colonial Zone, Dominican ReBuildings/Edificios-Monuments/Monumentos
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